Extended Acceptance and Use of Information Technology Model :
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Abstract/ Overview
Integrated Financial Management information Systems as a system is globally considered as a contributing factor significantly towards the improvement of financial management in the broader government sectors, it has such an important role in the world and particularly in Kenya as a country. The expectation is that the usage of IFMTS makes public finances comprehensive and effective. All the same, the system has not been addressed in full, its operations and performance is strongly wanting. This study sought to establish ; Extended Acceptance and Use of Information Technology Model: Assessing Integrated Financial Management information Systems in the Pub• lic Sector. This study utilized: UTAUT theory; DeLone and Mcl.ean model as tools to test IFM!S. Objectives were to: establish the Capacity of IT Infrastructure, examine the effect of technical op- ration skills, assess management skills and develope a model. Data was collected by question• naires. The research design was descriptive survey; a Sample size of 300, with a target of I 200 employees in the public sector. Validity, reliability and pilot study was done, Where (p < = 0.05, alpha <0.7; KMO <0.5) were levels used. Second generation techniques (SEM) were employed vith methods: Nested comparison, Bootstrapping, [mpulsive Decision Scale, Multiple group model comparison, Latent growth curve and Split path model comparison. Model fit > 0.90, RMR <0.02,RMSEA = < 0.05. Finding indicates :COIT! had a higher error difference. Delone & Mclean • ode! split path diagrams had lower error difference. D & M model yielded results ratio ( 1.5906) •ess than 2 hence good fit. External Model posted (CF! = 0.91 hence > 0.9: MgtS posted NF!= 0.98, GFJ = 0.99 > 0.9 signifying a good fit (rule of thumb) for the use of IFMIS. Overall model , sults indicated (RMR = 0.010 and RMSEA = 0.027) all above the threshold respectively. Effects .:>fTOS and MgtS models were satisfactory. Results confirm that D & Mand External Model indi• �'.!ied Good fit, both contributed to the use of!FMIS more than UTAUT model. Finding also indi• Cities that counties had slightly lower effective management skills and Technical operation skills. On overall, COIT! registered a low significance, weak effect (Factor loading-low) and high error diference (I 0%). Conclusion: Counties, Ministry-C , and Public universities ; indicated a low achievement on CO!Tl-low contribution to the use of IFMIS ; TOS performed well at Public universities , Ministry-C and Parastatals as opposed to counties. Study Contributions were : employed six unique techniques , contributed five new constructs and developed SMAUIT model. Recommends to the public sector were: Re-equipment of IT Infrastructure, setting up security components per each sector ( DMZs) to curb system Hacking in all Government sectors.
Subject/ Keywords
Information Technology Model.; Information Technology.; Use of Information Technology Model in Assessing Integrated Financial Management Information System in the Public sector.; Kenya.; Integrated Financial Management Information System Kenya.
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