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dc.contributor.authorSamburu, Peter Maluki
dc.description.abstractThis study examines the relationship between street qualities, copresence and retail density in cities. The study was based on a cross-sectional survey design and focused on selected planned and unplanned settlements in the city of Kisumu. Data was collected using closed-ended questionnaires and was analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The retail density of the four neighbourhoods was around 50% in Manyatta, 24.4% in Migosi, 16.6% in Arina and 8.9% in Nyalenda. Results on the association between selected street qualities and retail shop density showed a significant association between street width (F=7.589, p=.000); street amenities (F=4.064, p=.007); street safety (F=22.479, p=.000), therefore the null hypothesis was rejected. However, there was a non-significant association between retail shops and street lighting (F=1.389, p=.246); and spatial competition (F=1.157, p=.326) accepting the null hypothesis. The results of the relationship between street qualities and customer co-presence indicated a significant association between street width (F = 20.681, p = 0.000); street safety (F=17.409, p=0.000); street amenities (F=9.837, p=0.000); and street lighting (F=3.777, p=0.011) rejecting the null hypothesis. However, a non-significant relationship ensued with spatial competition (F=2.385, p=0.069) accepting the null hypothesis. Therefore, improving street width, lighting, safety and quality of amenities would affect the number of customers a retailer serves daily. The study recommends addressing street qualities by providing necessary amenities, lighting, and widths.en
dc.publisherScientific & Academic Publishingen
dc.subjectStreet Qualities.en
dc.subjectRetail Shop Densityen
dc.titleAnalysing Street Qualities, Copresence and Retail Shop Density in Kisumu City, Kenya.en

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