Agritourism: Potential socio-economic impacts in Kisumu County
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High poverty level is one of the major developmental challenges facing Kisumu County with over 60 percent of the population being poor. The main economic activity in this region has for a long time been farming. The high incidences of poverty level is attributed to several factors ranging from the ever escalating costs of farm inputs, poor distribution and unpredictable rains, poor farming methods resulting to poor crop/livestock production hence low yields and food insecurity, lack of diversified agriculture, environmental degradation, lack of empowerment, HIV/AIDS scourge and low incomes. This calls for farmers to find alternative sources of livelihoods to generate additional income. From an exploratory survey conducted in Kisumu County in July 2014 on Agritourism as a strategy for poverty alleviation and livelihood improvement, 95.62 percent of the respondents indicated Agritourism as a viable venture for farmers in this county. This paper builds on this survey to reveal the potential socio-economic impacts of practicing Agritourism in Kisumu County. Factors to be analysed included poverty levels, education levels, land tenure systems, employment status and family incomes. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Quantitative data collection entailed a household survey through administration of questionnaires while qualitative method involved interviews and focus group discussions. Participants consisted of farmers and key informants in relevant county government offices in the study area. The paper reveals that the potential socio-economic impacts for Agritourism in Kisumu County are great and largely untapped. Potentials revealed included the possibility of generating opportunities for local farmers to increase income, revenue generation and improved food security, enhanced entrepreneurial skills and the diversification and uniqueness of traditional food crops within the county. Agritourism may reduce rural-urban migration of the young populace since it will provide incentives to preserve agricultural land in Kisumu County and create employment opportunities. More opportunities for value addition of farm produce will be created and diversification of produce for direct-marketing may stimulate economic activity. With improved infrastructural support, Agritourism programs may help capitalize on the natural, historical, and cultural resources of communities and also build community pride and improve the quality of life for local community. The study concluded that concerted effort of all stakeholders is needed to exploit the socio-economic benefits of Agritourism. To sustain Agritourism, there is need for stakeholder sensitization and strategic planning for Agritourism in Kisumu. The County government should explore public-private partnerships that are beneficial to further the pursuit and development of Agritourism in Kisumu County.