Effect of enrollment on performance of chemistry in public day secondary schools in Bondo Sub County
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Abstract/ Overview
Siaya County is among the counties that perform well in the national examinations. However, Bondo Sub- County is one among its Sub-Counties with low student performance in national examinations in Science subjects in general and in Chemistry in particular. A report by the Kenya National Examinations Council in 2013 reveals that this could be as a result of insufficient inputs in the schools such as inadequate Chemistry teachers and laboratories, inadequate teaching and learning materials in the subject and increased enrollment levels in the subject. In these schools however, enrollment levels might not be uniform and so it cannot be concluded that it is only the increase in enrollment that affects the performance in the subject in national examinations. The purpose of this research paper therefore, was to determine the effect of enrollment on academic performance of Chemistry in national examinations in public day secondary schools in Bondo Sub- County.
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1st JOOUST Scientific Conference