JARAMOGI OGINGA ODINGA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2012/2013 2ND YEAR 2ND SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (ARTS) (MAIN – SCHOOL BASED) COURSE CODE: AEN 204 COURSE TITLE: STRUCTURE OF ENGLISH DATE: 26/8/13 TIME: 9.00 -11.00 AM DURATION: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper contains FIVE (5) questions. 2. Answer question 1 (Compulsory) and any other TWO questions. 3. Write all answer in the booklet provided. 1. a) State and explain FOUR rewrite rules in phrase structure grammar. (12 Marks) b) Draw the phrase marker for the deep structure of each of the following sentences. (18 Marks) i. Will the boss hire Hillary? ii. Is that player leaving the team? iii. Who should the director call? iv. What is Joanne eating? 2. a) Define mood of the verb. (4 Marks) b) Identify and explain the mood of the verb used in each of the following sentences. (16 Marks) i. Sit down and be quiet. ii. Why did he insist on driving to the mall? iii. We should turn in our ID badges before leaving the building. iv. The President came to see us 3. Explain why the Subject and the Verb do not agree in each of the following sentences. (20 Marks) i. James, together with his teammates, present a serious challenge to us ii. He don’t like football iii. They was invited to the interview iv. The doctor and the nurse conduct ward rounds v. Either the students in this school or their leader are going to make a decision 4. a) Explain what is meant by transformation in grammar. (4 Marks) b) Using an English sentence of your choice, explain, step by step, how a passive sentence is derived from an active sentence. (16 Marks) 5. a) Define rank-shift with regard to the rank scale of linguistic description. (4 Marks) b) Explain the rank-shift involved in the underlined sections of the sentences below. (16 Marks) i. We know you won’t be there for the party ii. He lives at the edge of the cliff iii. That he has a morbid fascination with ghosts is common knowledge iv. You are not the person I wanted to see 2