BONDO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2012/2013 2nd YEAR 2nd SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION ARTS WITH IT (REGULAR) COURSE CODE: ARE 209 TITLE: HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY DATE: 30/11/2012 TIME: 12.00-14.00PM DURATION: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper contains FIVE (5) questions 2. Answer question 1 (Compulsory) and ANY other 2 Questions 3. Write all answers in the booklet provided 1 1. What can your Church or respective religious faith tradition learn from any three of the following heretical movements? [30Marks] a) Arianism b) Gnosticism c) Marcionism d) Donatism e) Pelegianism 2. Elders of a church group have sought your advice on a contentious issue threatening the unity of their church, some feel that new members must first undergo circumcision before admission to their church, others prefer the removal of six lower teeth or the customary rite of passage of their respective ethnic group: Drawing from the lessons of the Council of Jerusalem, advice. [20 Marks] 3. (a) Discuss the role and function of women in the early church? (b) How did the early church deal with the question of slavery? [20 Marks] 4. Discuss the claim that Christianity began as a heretical movement and then later became a personality cult? What was the influence of Constantine in shaping the agenda of Christianity? [20 Marks] 5. What can religious groups in Kenya learn from the painful lessons of Avignon Papacy and the Great Western Schism, as a way of resolving their own internal leadership wrangles? [20 Marks] 2