Challenges Facing Integrated Household Garbage Disposal For Garbage Management In Kisii Town, Kenya
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Abstract/ Overview
Factors that mostly affected household garbage management were; inadequate garbage disposal facilities in town and residential areas whereby 87% agreed and 13% disagreed (M=3.41, SD, 0.965), lack of enough damp sites whereby 86% agreed while only 14% disagreed (M=3.27, SD, 0.965), unsustainable collection, transportation and disposal systems whereby 83% agreed and 17% disagreed(M=3.07, SD,0.873), and recycling of domestic waste whereby 81% of the respondents agreed and 19% disagreed (M=3.24, SD=1.051). The study recommend that Kisii County improves frequency of garbage collection and disposal through supervision and employing more staff; educate and train residents on the need to and how to reduce and recycle garbage as well as how to dispose the garbage; improve on garbage collection and disposal by increasing vehicles for collection and collection sites; and provide households with garbage collection materials and equipment.