Contribution of Briquetting as a Means of Energy Recovery to Reduce Municipal Solid Waste and Specific Greenhouse Gases
Abstract/ Overview
Valuable energy resources are lost through poor Municipal Solid Waste management. Disposed organic waste fractions biodegrades emitting greenhouse gases such as methane gas into the atmosphere. World over, these increasing waste fractions are directly proportional to increasing population leading to pollution and health-related hazards. At Kachok open dumpsite in Kisumu, wastes collected from markets and other sources is burnt thus partly combusting organic waste fractions while others biodegrades. This study aimed to determine a suitable mixture of organic fractions generated at Kibuye market to make prototype briquettes through: evaluating existing regulatory framework on briquetting technology; determining fuel characteristics and performanceof prototype briquettes; feasibility of prototype briquettes in ameliorating open dumpsite greenhouse gases and market traders views on prototype briquettes. Based on Waste Management Theory, the organic waste fractions were regarded as a ‘resource’ at the point of generation, therafter formulated into prototype briquettes. Data was collected through interviews, questionnaires, document reviews and prototyping. Then, collected data was analyzed through content analysis of reviewed documents, Minitab application graphically developed time series plots from prototyping, Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 analyzed data from questionnaire using descriptive statistics while Excel spreadsheet sorted out raw data and developed line graphs to augment SPSS and Minitab. Bomb calorimeter ascertained calorific value; national standards through Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute ascertained proximate tests while Water Boiling Test protocol ascertained emission levels in a kitchen set up. Briquettes were made using a manual screw press, ram-piston and bare human hands. The study found that briquetting technology is not explictly mentioned; prototype briquettes have optimal calorific value and their emissions on combustion are within World Health Organization indoor air quality standards; 16310 tonnes of dumpsite emissions could be avoided if organic fractions are sustainably recovered and that prototype briquettes are acceptable by market traders as viable alternative energy source. Thus, significant in addressing Sustainable Development Goals 7, 11 and 13, together with improved product on innovation – at national level (Big Four Agenda). This study recommends that briquetting technology be captured in regulations, prototype briquettes be adopted as alternative energy source, local/national critical limits for indoor use be developed, greenhouse gas inventory from waste sector be ascertained and documented and that production of prototype briquettes from organic fractions be upscaled.