The Role of Non-State Actors in the Development of Circuit Ecotourism
Abstract/ Overview
Ecotourism, arguably the fastest growing branch of tourism has been hailed as not just traveling to pristine sites but a way of conserving natural resources and uplifting the welfare of rural communities. The Western Kenya Tourist Circuit (WKTC), the setting for this study is one of the country’s non-traditional destinations characterized by dismal development and utilization of its unique tourist sites, arguably due to lack of awareness and competition from traditional destinations. Information about the circuit’s offerings is scanty and there is a lack of current information about the circuit’s ecotourism-themed NSAs and their role. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of non-state actors in the development of circuit ecotourism. The specific objectives were to identify the nature of the circuit’s attractions, identify ecotourism-themed non-state actors, analyze their role and unveil their strategies for ecotourism development for further improvement in WKTC. The study was informed by Cluster Theory and Rational Choice Theory. The study employed mixed methods approach making use of both quantitative and qualitative data. This descriptive cross-sectional survey enabled the study to achieve its objectives. A saturated sampling technique was employed taking all the identified NSAs as respondents. Primary data were collected with the aid of semi-structured questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages in a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 23) and Excel environment. Pair-Wise Ranking Matrix was used during Focus Group Discussion to rank tourist attractions within the circuit from the perspective of local service providers. Research hypotheses were tested with the aid of Pearson’s Chi-Square Tests. Results were presented in the form of tables, bar charts, figures, and photos. The study established that natural attractions account for 98.5% of the tourist attractions in the circuit. National parks and Reserves were ranked the first position while wetlands were ranked the last position as tourist attractions. The study revealed that many types of non-state actors are engaged in ecotourism but CBOs were the most common (54.6%) making CBOs the main players in the Western Kenya Circuit. Non state actors are playing a central role in the development of circuit ecotourism. They do make rational choices of their ecotourism projects and the strategies they employ to promote ecotourism. The main strategies are benchmarking, planning, training, and collaborating with others. To improve ecotourism in Western Kenya Circuit, nature based ecotourism clusters should be promoted across the circuit and the existing natural attractions protected for posterity. Cultural attractions are to be preserved and commoditized to benefit rural communities. NSAs should upscale their involvement by focusing on the 5As (attractions, accommodation, activities, amenities and, accessibility) of ecotourism to make the western circuit more competitive. For policy, government and, development enthusiasts, more attention in the development of ecotourism in WKTC should focus on strengthening CBOs as they are currently the main actors. The study strongly recommends that non-state actors should benchmark externally (outside the western Kenya circuit) with leading destinations/ecotourism clusters to enhance their performance.