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dc.contributor.authorMandi, Aileen Khavere
dc.description.abstractOver the last decade, strategy as practice has generated a substantial knowledge about different aspects, forms and implications of strategizing activities and practices. Busia is a border town between Kenya and Uganda. Due to heavy human traffic across the border, a number of hotels have been constructed to offer food and accommodation services. Freelance food vendors appear to command the food service market despite being mobile. This study sought to determine the influence of strategic options implementation on performance of hotels in Busia Town, Kenya. Hotels are found to be facing numerous challenges which have posed a threat to their existence. Past research established that strategy implementation could use price, place and service quality to craft an enterprise's strategic options. The specific objective of the study were to: establish the influence of price on performance of the hotels in Busia town, Kenya, determine the influence of place on the performance of the hotels in Busia town, Kenya and establish the influence of service quality on the performance of the hotels in Busia town, Kenya. The study adopted an explanatory research design. The target population consisted of 105 respondents from the 35hotels within Busia Town, Kenya. Saturated technique was employed for the study to interact all employees from the selected hotels. Study conducted re- test reliability of the data collecting instrument. Validity was achieved through expert judgment by correlating the concepts set out to measure. Primary data was collected by the use of interviews for qualitative data and questionnaires used to collect quantitative data. The qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented in prose while quantitative data analyzed with the aid of SPSS software and presented in descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that there are many female hotel employees to men, majority having below 5 years' experience. Most of them have secondary education and are able to communicate in more than 3 languages. Price had a strong relationship with performance of the selected hotels and this was determined by a Pearson's correlations coefficient of r=0.834. Place, the second objective to the study had a significant relation on the performance influencing performance of hotels of hotels results showing a statistical positive correlation of r=0.691 while service quality gave a strong positive relationship of r=0. 716. Multiple regression analysis showed that the three independent variables are significant singly and collectively. It was therefore concluded that price of goods and services need to be monitored regularly to ensure sales revenue, competitive advantage and growth. Price of goods and services need to be monitored regularly to ensure sales revenue, competitive advantage and growth. Place should also be considered highly to ensure proper location of hotels away from disturbance and insecurity for greater performance. Service quality and performance are related for creation of loyalty, customer referrals and image creation. Other studies should, especially on qualitative data on other strategic options need to be developed in order to exhaustively come out with more strategy options focused on performance and success of hotel business.en_US
dc.titleInfluence of Strategic Options Implementation on Performance of the Hotels in Busia Town, Kenyaen_US

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