Relationship between selected determinants and examination cheating tendencies of students in public secondary schools.
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There have been reported cases of examination cheating tendencies among student 111 Kisumu County; Kenya according to report• released on the cheating problem by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) from year 20 J 1. The purpose of the present study was to as .e s the relationship between selected determinant and examination cheating tendencies of secondary •chool students in Kisumu County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to find out the relationship between personal determinants and examination cheating tendencies; to determine relationship between the school determinants and examination cheating tendencies; to establish the relationship between home determinants and examination cheating tendencies; and to find out relationship between community determinants and examination cheating tendencies. The study adopted a sequential explanatory design in mixed methods approach. The study population consisted of 1790 teachers, 153 head teachers, and5 I ,900 students. The sample size consisted of 384 students, 4 principals, 5 teachers,County Education Officers and 4 parents. The study adopted purposive sampling techniques to sample the schools, students, teachers, parents and education officers. The Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interview guides. Face criterion and construct validity of the instruments was determined by the experts from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, department of Psychology and Educational foundations while Reliability was ensured by Chronchbar Alpha, r = 0.855 was reported. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis, while the quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics by SPSS version 22. The findings revealed that there was statistical significant relationship between Personal determinants and School determinants and Examination cheating among secondary school students given that there was statistically significant positive correlation between personal and school determinants and examinations cheating at (r=.592, n=360, p<.05) and (r=.211, n=360, p<.05) respectively. There was also a statistical significant positi e correlation (r=.411, n=360, p<.05) between Community determinants and Examinations cheating but was so weak to be a predictor of examinations cheating. However, there was no statistical significant relationship between Home Determinants and Examination cheating with a correlation of [(r=.082, n=360, p=.120(ns)]. The study findings therefore reveal that personal determinants (self efficacy, self esteem, locus of control, gender) and School determinants (teachers and peer influence) are the significant predictors of examination cheating. The Ministry of Education should therefore develop an aspect of moral and capacity development among students and teachers in secondary schools to help minimize or stump out examination cheating tendencies and ensure quality education through sound examination system.