Doctor of Philosophy Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 284
Relationship between Selected Predictors and the Choice of Mathematics Related Courses among Female Students in Technical Training Institutes in Western Region of Kenya
(JOOUST, 2023)Advancement in technology has influenced rapid development in developed countries across the globe (Kenya vision 2030, 2013). Developing countries are making efforts to emulate the developed countries and Kenya's vision ... -
A Framework for the Implementation of E-Health Public Healthcare Facilities in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2018)While Institute of Medicine, challenges health organizations towards providing quality healthcare service delivery, the global health care systems all face similar challenges associated with ... -
Motorized Road Transport and its Implications on Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Emission Standards
(JOOUST, 2020)Global warming experienced on the earth in the last few decades has been attributed to greenhouse effect caused by accelerated CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. This study determined and ... -
Cyberspace Situational Awareness: Protection Framework for Critical Information Infrastructure
(JOOUST, 2024)The effectiveness of the cyberspace protection for the national Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) depends on a dynamically and reliably established cyberspace situational awareness framework. ... -
A History of Maritime Transport on Lake Victoria (1895-2012)
(JOOUST, 2024)This study examines the history of maritime transport on Lake Victoria within Kenya territory. Lake Victoria transport has a lot of potential that can help solve some of the transport problems ... -
Implementation of the Kenya Pre-Primary Education Policy Guidelines as a Predictor of Acquisition of Basic Core Competencies Among Pre-Primary Learners in Kisii County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)The significance of policy guidelines in informing practice of any programme cannot be overemphasized. How effectively this policy is implemented has a bearing on the quality of teaching and learning and ... -
Mathematical Modeling on the Effects of Vaccination and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on Covid-19 Control Dynamics
(JOOUST, 2024)COVID-19 is undoubtedly the most dangerous and highly contagious dis- ease in this century. Intensive researches have and are being done to un- earth effective vaccines to deal with future pandemics. In this research, ... -
Implications of Sign Language Systems on Academic Performance in English for Learners with Hearing Impairment in Special Secondary Schools in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Students with Hearing Impairment (HI) face challenges in the process of learning. These students have continued to perform below average in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). Explanations regarding this ... -
Influence of Pollution on Diversity and Nutritional Composition of Aquatic Edible Insects from Lake Victoria, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Freshwater pollution has become a significant global environmental issue, impacting biodiversity and ecosystem services. Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria is greatly affected by pollution from human activities and natural ... -
Caregiver Practices Associated With Occurrence Of Malnutrition, Diarrhea And Bidirectional Diarrhea- Malnutrition Among Under-Fives And A Framework For Intervention In The Informal Settlements
(JOOUST, 2024)Safe water, improved sanitation, hand hygiene and infant feeding are community-based interventions that have been implemented to improve malnutrition and diarrhea and bidirectional diarrhea- malnutrition outcome among ... -
Implications of Sign Language Systems on Academic Performance in English for Learners with Hearing Impairment in Special Secondary Schools in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Students with Hearing Impairment (HI) face challenges in the process of learning. These students have continued to perform below average in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). Explanations regarding this ... -
On Birkhoff-James Orthogonality and Norm-Attainability of Operators in Banach Spaces
(JOOUST, 2024)Characterizing geometric properties in Banach spaces in terms of their mappings has been done for a long period of time however it remains a very difficult task to complete due to the complex underlying structures in ... -
Psychological Effects of Scaffolding as an Instructional Approach to Teaching English in Secondary Schools in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Language learning is a process just like language acquisition as put forward by Lev Vygotsky in the Social Cultural Development Theory and the Zone of Proximal Development. In the classroom, therefore, the process of ... -
Financial Inclusion and Performance Of Micro and Small Enterprises in Kisumu County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Most MSEs suffer from financial exclusion because they may not be able to access affordable and useful financial services to help them boost their businesses. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect ... -
Towards a Model for Effective Training of Secondary School Principals in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Principals‟ training is crucial for the effective performance of their roles. Much of the training is sometimes done without doing a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) to find out exactly what the Principals need. This study, ... -
Effects of Scaffolding on Subject Interest, Self-Efficacy, Academic Buoyancy and English Achievement among Learners in Secondary Schools in Kenyenya Sub-County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Language learning is a process just like language acquisition as put forward by Lev Vygotsky in the Social Cultural Development Theory and the Zone of Proximal Development. In the classroom, therefore, the process of ... -
Analysis of Interest Rates, Hedging and Non-Interest Income on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
(JOOUST, 2024)Kenya Banking system manifest in a controlled and fragmented financial system attributed to differences in regulations governing banking and non-banking financial intermediaries. However, inadequate autonomy and weak ... -
Demographic Dynamics and Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of Early Marriages in Homa Bay County, Kenya
(Jooust, 2024)Early marriage is increasingly recognized both as a violation of human rights and as an impediment to the development, wellbeing and life options of affected individuals and their children. Despite intervention programs ... -
Stakeholders’ Level of Involvement As a Predictor of Effective Implemention of Competency Based Curriculum in Pre-Primary Education in Kisumu, Kenya
(Jooust, 2024)This study aimed to determine the level of stakeholders’ involvement in the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Early Childhood Education in Kisumu Central Zone, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought ...