Doctor of Philosophy Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 284
On (P,Q )-Binomial Extension of Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model for Optimization of Portfolio with Noisy Observations in Life Insurance
(JOOUST, 2024)In the realm of dynamic life insurance portfolio management, enhanc- ing the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) model becomes imperative amid the challenges presented by noisy observations. This quest arises from a nu- ... -
Moderating Effect of Supply Chain Pillars on the Relationship between Supply Chain Integration and Retail Outlets Performance: An Analysis of Selected Supermarkets in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Kenya’s Retail sector has experienced considerable challenges over the past years as evidenced by the collapse of giant supermarkets. Nakumatt, Uchumi and Tuskys supermarkets at one point dominated the sector but collapsed ... -
Impact of Livestock Keeping On Malaria Transmission Risks in Rural South-Eastern Tanzania.
(Jooust, 2024)Livestock keeping is one of the potential factors related to malaria transmission. To date, the impact of livestock keeping on malaria transmission remains inconclusive, as some studies suggest a zooprophylactic effect ... -
Pre-Primary Diploma Teacher Education Program and Academic Performance of Teacher Trainees in Kisumu County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Early childhood education is the foundation of basic education in Kenya. However, the low academic performance of early childhood teacher trainees in Kenya has raised concerns among the education stakeholders. ... -
Strengthening the Utilization of Quality Health Information to Prevent Maternal Morbidity and Mortality.
(JOOUST, 2024)Strengthening utilization of quality health information is important for the provision of quality healthcare services. With high maternal morbidity and mortality in Migori County, it was important to undertake a study ... -
Selected Human Resource Management Practices and Service Delivery in the Public Health Sector of Bungoma and Siaya County Governments, Kenya.
(JOOUST, 2024)The Kenyan Constitution of 2010 aimed to improve provision of public health services by mandating counties to offer decentralized services. Counties have continually made reforms to ensure provision of ... -
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (Oryctes Rhinoceros) Farm Enterprise for Enhanced Food Security:
(2023)Food insecurity and malnutrition resulting from the loss of livelihood remain a threat both locally and globally, as nearly 70% of people face hunger and malnutrition. The world’s population is estimated to rise to 9 billion ... -
Effects of Electronic Procurement on Service Quality in Kisumu County Government, Kenya.
(JOOUST, 2023)Organizations invest huge sums of money on technological applications with the aim of gaining competitive advantage, both at manufacturing and service delivery phases. Thus, technology has changed the landscape of operations ... -
Spatio-Temporal Variations in Land Use Land Cover and Their Impacts on the Hydrology of a River Basin.
(Jooust, 2024)Changes in land use land cover (LULC) are consequences of anthropogenic activities on the surface of the land and they are linked to the hydrologic dynamics of a river basin. River Kuja basin has experienced rapid LULC ... -
The use of species of commelina as feed for field cricket, scapsipedus icipe (orthoptera: gryllidae)
(Jooust, 2023)Sub-Saharan Africa faces persistent challenges in reducing malnutrition and enhancing food security. The field cricket, Scapsipedus icipe Hugel and Tanga (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), is edible and could be used to alleviate ... -
Performance of broiler chickens fed on diets supplemented with yellow meal worm larvae (tenebrio molitor)
(Jooust, 2023)Insects are a promising feed resource which can contribute to scarce protein rich feedstuffs in developing countries. A study was conducted to investigate the performance of broiler chickens fed on diets supplemented with ... -
Enhancing Sustainable Production And Harvesting Of The Edible Grasshopper (Ruspolia Differens)
(JOOUST, 2024)The global increase in food insecurity due to growing human population and rising demand for animal proteins presents an urgent need to explore alternative sources of proteins. Edible insects such as Ruspolia differens ... -
Relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits and Social Adjustment among Undergraduate Students in a Public University
(JOOUST, 2023)The current cohort of undergraduate students is encountering a period of change that is marked by uncertainty, undisciplined behaviour, and stress. These factors have presented obstacles to their social adaptation as they ... -
Socio-Economic Efficiency of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens L.) Larvae Meal for Aquaculture Production
(JOOUST, 2023)Fish feed is a major component in aquaculture production, accounting for 40-80% of total production costs. Protein is still the most expensive ingredient in fish feed. Fishmeal (FM) has traditionally been the predominant ... -
Optimization of Business Opportunities as Predictor of Growth of Metal Fabrication Microenterprises in Kisii County: The Moderating Role of Owner’s Level of Education
(JOOUST, 2024)Reports by The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics indicate that despite the metal fabrication sector making 12% of the small manufacturers in Kenya and contributing 10% to GDP the sector face growth challenges leading to ... -
Role of Community-Based Tourism Organization on Sustainability of Tourism Sites Development
(JOOUST, 2023)Tourism is expected to be a rewarding activity globally. However, it has been criticized for its inconsistency with the goals of sustainable development. Such criticisms include its implications on the environment; cultural ... -
The Belonging- Disjuncture Double Bind: Fragile Identities in Literary Works of East African Asians
(JOOUST, 2023)The East African Asians have played a significant role in the political, social, economic as well as literary transformation of the region. Their long history and immense contribution in East Africa, has led to many ... -
The Pursuit of Gender Egalitarianism amid Survival of Patriarchy in Homa-Bay County Kenya (1894-2021)
(JOOUST, 2023)In response to the gender disparities in Kenya, various policy frameworks have been formulated since the country gained independence. These frameworks aim to tackle the gender gap and include the National Gender and ... -
The Influence of Agricultural Extension on Insect Farming for Food and Feeds on Smallholder Farms in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)The study investigated the effects of agricultural extension on edible insect farming for food and feeds nutritional security among smallholder farmers in the Lake Basin Region, Kenya. The Kenyan Lake Victoria Basin presents ... -
Decomposabolity of Positive Maps on Positive Semidefinite Matrices
(JOOUST, 2023)