School of Biological, Physical, Mathematics & Actuarial Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 55
Characterization of Essential Numerical Rangers and Davis-Wielandt Shells of Hilbert Space Operators.
(JOOUST, 2019)The study of the Davis- Wielandt shell forms a very important generaralization of the numerical range in functional analysis. Hiroshi Nakazito and Mao-Ting Chien studied the connections between the q-numericol ... -
Relationship Between Internal Psychological States and Indulgence in Behaviour Problems of Secondary School Students in Kenya.
(2017)Behavioural problems among students are a challenge in most Kenyan schools and the occurrence of behavior problems among students has been reported in Kisii County. Since most of the previous studies have ... -
Estimation of volatility using mean reverting European-logistic type option pricing model.
(JOOUST, 2016)Mean reversion is a mathematical concept that is frequently and widely used in stock investing, modeling interest rates and modeling commodities. In particular there is consensus that a commodity ... -
Mathematical model for drug therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus.
(JOOUST, 2014)Diabetes Mellit us is a chronic illness that requires continuing medical care and ongoing patient self-management. education and support. to prevent acute complications and to reduce the risk of long-term ... -
Gender Role Differentials in Ecotourism Planning.
(JOOUST, 2019)Gender role overtime, has emerged to be of integral importance in environmental resource management for ecotourism planning amongst various stakeholders. However, there are few gender studies that have been ... -
Sum construction of automorphic symmetric balanced incomplete block designs.
(JOOUST, 2021)Several mathematical studies ham been carried out to help solve spe• rilir- probk-ius 1wrht.iuiug t11 t•lt<• «onsrrncrtou mu! nnnlvsis of Dafaw•,•d Incomplete Block designs in terms of application. ... -
On Compact Operators whose Norms are Eigenvalues
(JOOUST, 2019)The class of compact operators is fundamental in operato_Lllle~+Y.• Char-acterization of compact operators acting on different sp~ces has been fas-cinating to many Mathernaticians., Many properties such as bounded¬ness, ... -
Characterization of Similarity Orbits of Invariant Subspaces of Norm-Attainable Operators.
(Jooust, 2019)Abstract The notion of similarity orbits(S(T)) of Hilbert space operators have been extensively investigated by many researchers such as Herrero, Fialkow and Had• win among others. Various ... -
Orthogonality of Finite Rank Generalized Derivations
(JOOUST, 2020)Properties of derivations have been studied by various mathematicians for instance, norm, numerical range, spectrum, positivity among others. Range-kernel orthogonality is also a property for derivations implemented by ... -
Preparation, Characterization, Optimization and Pre-Clinical Evaluation of Selected Anti-Malarial Drugs Encapsulated into Different Nanocarriers
(JOOUST, 2015)Artemisinin and its derivatives have proved to be very effective against malaria parasites although it has the short falls of low solubility, poor bioavailability and short half-lives. Instead of discarding these drugs it ... -
Rotundity of Norms in Frechet Spaces
(JOOUST, 2019)The notion of rotundity of norms is a very interesting area of research in analysis. The question whether if a norm is Highly Rotund implies it is Midpoint Locally Uniformly Rotund or whether a Uniformly Ro¬tund norm in ... -
Finite Difference Solution of (2+1) dimensional Sine-Gordon Equation: A Mathematical Model for Investigating the Long Josephson Junction
(JOOUST, 2017)The study considers the finite difference solution of (2+ 1) dimensional Sine-Gordon equation which is a mathematical model for investigating the long Josephson junction. Modeling of some physical phenomena and technological ... -
Lie Symmetry Analysis of Fourth Order NonLinear Harmonic Differential Equation
(JOOUST, 2019)Lie group theory is a very practical and handy mathematical approach and it can be used to obtain solutions to diverse problems in applied mathematics. It's rich, very interesting and in broad sense a topic of active ... -
Stochastic Modeling of Road Accidents Using Poisson and Negative Binomial as th Error Term Distributions Assuming Polynomial Priors
(JOOUST, 2016)Cloud computing is a technological paradigm that enables computer users to access computing applications and services on a pay-as-you-use model. Over the years, the adoption of cloud computing by cloud service providers ... -
Mathematical Modeling of Airflow and Carbon Pollution by Vehicles on Roads with Ventilated Embankments
(JOOUST, 2019)Kenyan road transport currently accounts for about 78% of the total carbon emis¬sion in the country, a percentage that is lately and. steadily rising causing enormous scientific concern. Consequently, efficient road designs ... -
Morphometric, Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H.S. Irwin and Barneby
(JOOUST, 2018-10)Herbal medicines have been used for many years and still are in widespread use in developing countries while the developed countries are rapidly adopting them as complementary alternative medicine. Senna didymobotrya ... -
Analysis of Forest Types in Relation to Carbon Offset Potential: A Case of Kakamega Rainforest, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2015)The emergence of carbon credit markets has stimulated forest restoration efforts as a climate change mitigation strategy. However, a majority of the forest restoration efforts are promoting plantation forest establishment ... -
Genetic Characterization and Symbiotic Effeciency of Root Nodule Bacteria which Nodulate Bambara Groundnuts (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc|) and Soyabeans (Glycine max (L.) Merril) fom Selected Sites in Lake Victoria Basin, Western Kenya
(JOOUST, 2015)Soybeans [Glycine max Merr.] and bambara groundnuts (Vigna subterranea L.Verdc) are nutritionally important legume crops capable of forming nitrogen (N) fixing symbiosis with a distinct group of soil bacteria, generally ... -
Estimation of Finite Population Mean in the Presence of Non-Response and Measurement Errors in Stratified Two Phase Sampling
(JOOUST, 2021)The problem of estimation of the population mean in the presence of response bias and social desirability bias is common in surveys. Researchers have proposed estimators of the population mean using auxiliary variables in ... -
Extension of Stage Based Projection Matrices in Population Modeling of Invasive Tree Species
(JOOUST, 2021)Matrix models can be used to predict population dynamics and assess management options. Invasive trees proliferation within forest ecosystems have not been characterized, hence the need of population dynamics description ...