School of Business & Economics
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Operations Management and the Performance of Public Sugar Manufacturing Firms
(JOOUST, 2023)ABSTRACT Kenya's sugar sector dates back to the early 1920s when it first began operations. According to a research that was published in 20I5 by the Export Processing Zone Authority, the sugar ... -
Relationship between Selected Predictors and the Choice of Mathematics Related Courses among Female Students in Technical Training Institutes in Western Region of Kenya
(JOOUST, 2023)Advancement in technology has influenced rapid development in developed countries across the globe (Kenya vision 2030, 2013). Developing countries are making efforts to emulate the developed countries and Kenya's vision ... -
Financial Inclusion and Performance Of Micro and Small Enterprises in Kisumu County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Most MSEs suffer from financial exclusion because they may not be able to access affordable and useful financial services to help them boost their businesses. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect ... -
Towards a Model for Effective Training of Secondary School Principals in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Principals‟ training is crucial for the effective performance of their roles. Much of the training is sometimes done without doing a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) to find out exactly what the Principals need. This study, ... -
Effects of Scaffolding on Subject Interest, Self-Efficacy, Academic Buoyancy and English Achievement among Learners in Secondary Schools in Kenyenya Sub-County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Language learning is a process just like language acquisition as put forward by Lev Vygotsky in the Social Cultural Development Theory and the Zone of Proximal Development. In the classroom, therefore, the process of ... -
Analysis of Interest Rates, Hedging and Non-Interest Income on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
(JOOUST, 2024)Kenya Banking system manifest in a controlled and fragmented financial system attributed to differences in regulations governing banking and non-banking financial intermediaries. However, inadequate autonomy and weak ... -
Moderating Effect of Supply Chain Pillars on the Relationship between Supply Chain Integration and Retail Outlets Performance: An Analysis of Selected Supermarkets in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Kenya’s Retail sector has experienced considerable challenges over the past years as evidenced by the collapse of giant supermarkets. Nakumatt, Uchumi and Tuskys supermarkets at one point dominated the sector but collapsed ... -
Selected Human Resource Management Practices and Service Delivery in the Public Health Sector of Bungoma and Siaya County Governments, Kenya.
(JOOUST, 2024)The Kenyan Constitution of 2010 aimed to improve provision of public health services by mandating counties to offer decentralized services. Counties have continually made reforms to ensure provision of ... -
Optimization of Business Opportunities as Predictor of Growth of Metal Fabrication Microenterprises in Kisii County: The Moderating Role of Owner’s Level of Education
(JOOUST, 2024)Reports by The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics indicate that despite the metal fabrication sector making 12% of the small manufacturers in Kenya and contributing 10% to GDP the sector face growth challenges leading to ... -
Firm Characteristics, Firm Age, Insurance Regulatory Framework and Financial Performance of Insurance Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange
(JOOUST, 2023)Insurance firms are fundamental in managing risk in an economy. Survival of these firms is pegged on firm characteristics and financial performance keeping them afloat from surging claim costs. Reviewed literature confirms ... -
Financing Structure and Financial Performance of Listed Manufacturing Firms on Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya: A Dynamic Panel Approach
(JOOUST, 2022)Globally, the manufacturing industry is a crucial engine for sustaining economic growth and development. However, in Kenya, the sector’s contribution the economy has stagnated at 10% of the gross domestic product (GDP), ... -
Analysis of Capital Structure Decisions and Financial Performance of Sugar Firms
(JOOUST, 2023-01)Capital structure decisions help to maximization of the value of the firm; but in most cases these capital structure decisions if they are inappropriate the performance of firms shall remain in jeopardy. The sugar industry ... -
Relationship between selected determinants and examination cheating tendencies of students in public secondary schools.
(JOOUST, 2018)There have been reported cases of examination cheating tendencies among student 111 Kisumu County; Kenya according to report• released on the cheating problem by Kenya National Examination Council ... -
Influence of Liquidity Ratio on the Relationship Between Working Capital Management and Profitability of Small Scale Hotels .
(JOOUST, 2018)In Kenya, small scale enterprises are contributors to economic development by providing employment opportunities and reducing poverty levels. Despite the significance to economic development. small scale ... -
Resilience to Climate Change by Fishing-Based Livelihoods along Lake Victoria Beaches.
(JOOUST, 2018)climate change has emerged as one of the global concern over the recent 30 years and it affects aspects of the society such as health, food security, international peace and security. This study was governed ...