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dc.contributor.authorKain, Jaan‐Henrik
dc.contributor.authorNyakinya, Belinda
dc.contributor.authorOdhiambo, Nicholas
dc.contributor.authorOloko, Michael O.
dc.contributor.authorOmolo, John
dc.contributor.authorOtieno, Silas
dc.contributor.authorZapata, Patrik
dc.contributor.authorZapata Campos, María José
dc.description.abstractThis paper examines how policies and plans are translated into informal settlements' practice. It builds on literature on policy implementation practice and organization studies, and more particularly, it applies the concepts of reframing, anchoring and muddling through. The paper is informed by the case of Kisumu City in Kenya and its Kisumu Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan and its implementation on Kisumu's informal settlements. The plan was funded by the Swedish International Development Agency through the United Nations Human Settlement Programme and implemented from 2007 to 2009. The study is based on action research carried out by a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary group of researchers, through focus groups, participatory workshops, collaborative action, in‐depth interviews, document analysis and observations. The paper examines what original aspects of Kisumu Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan were translated, that is, which ones faded out and which ones became stabilized into and travel as ‘best practices’ to other locations. The paper shows how the generation of ‘best practices’ can be loosely coupled with the practices that policy seeks to change. It concludes, in line with previous research in the field, how successful policy implementation is based on cultural and political interpretations rather on evidence of improved practices.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSwedish International Centre for Local Democracyen_US
dc.publisherWiley Online Libraryen_US
dc.subjectpolicy implementation practiceen_US
dc.subjectimplementation gapen_US
dc.subjectbest practicesen_US
dc.subjectmuddle throughen_US
dc.subjectwaste managementen_US
dc.subjectinformal settlementen_US
dc.titleTranslating policies into informal settlements' critical services: Reframing, anchoring and muddling throughen_US

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