School of Engineering and Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 48
Characterizing Landscape Fragmentation of Koitobos River Sub-Basin-Trans-Nzoia, Kenya
(Heliyon, 2023-03-15)The changes of landscape structure and functioning due to unprecedented human interference is hastening across the globe and it is thus a compelling necessity to preserve and restore our ecosystems. This study aimed to ... -
Residents' Collective Strategies of Resistance in Global South Cities' Informal Settlements: Space, Scale and Knowledge
(Cities- International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 2022-03-24)This paper examines the strategies of resistance articulated by residents of informal settlements response to urban exclusion. Building upon resistance and urban social movements literature the paper is informed by the ... -
Briquetting as a Means of Recovering Energy from Organic Market Waste
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2021-05-13)Municipal Solid Waste is causing pollution and health hazards in cities around the world. In Kenya, existing and emerging cities are experiencing increased populations with increase in organic market waste. Organic market ... -
Bringing the Global To the Local: The Challenges of Multi-Level Governance for Global Policy Implementation in Africa
(International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 2021-08-12)The New Urban Agenda (NUA) and Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognise the key role of ‘sub-national entities’, including cities, in achieving sustainable development. However, since these global policy ... -
Urban Climate Resilience and Its Link to Global Sustainability Agendas
(Academia, 2021)This chapter examines urban climate resilience. It provides a conceptual introduction, followed by an explanation of how urban areas have been recognized in recent global agendas related to sustainability, climate change, ... -
Organising Grassroots Infrastructure: The (In)Visible Work of Organizational (In)Completeness
(Urban Studies, 2022-02-01)In this article we build on the concept of incompleteness, as recently developed in both organisational and urban studies, to improve our understanding of the collective actions of grassroots organisations in creating and ... -
Multi-Criteria Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Technologies to Support Decision-Making in Kisumu, Kenya
(Elsevier, 2021-06-20)The directive to close the dumpsite in Kisumu, Kenya has made the search for alternative solid waste treatment and disposal technologies urgent. The aim of this research is to support the decision-making process by analyzing ... -
Urban Qualities and Residents’ Strategies in Compact Global South Cities: The Case of Havana
(Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2021-04-20)Research and policy argue for more compact cities to respond to sustainable development challenges. However, what actually needs to be made more compact and how, is under examined, particularly in global South cities where ... -
Impact of Sedimentation on Water Seepage Capacity in Lake Nakuru, Kenya
(Hindawi, 2021-02-16)Accumulation and deposition of sediments in waterbody affect the seepage capacity that could lead to improper water balance and results in the water level rise. .is study analysed the influence of sedimentation on seepage ... -
Performance of selected organic wastes for available technologies for biogas, Kisumu City, Kenya
(International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, 2021-04-22)Inadequate solid wastes disposal exists in Kenya, for unsightliness and health problems. This study determined that available digesters performance differed for size and bio-material. Larger fixed dome, flexible tubing and ... -
From community-based organization to socio-environmental entrepreneur. The case of household waste collection in Kisumu’s informal settlements
(2016-04-01)This paper contributes to the understanding of processes by which small-scale entrepreneurs who provide household waste collection in informal settlements succeed in formalized co-production of such services. The paper ... -
Energy recovery from municipal solid waste
(2017-10-20)Kisumu City is fast urbanizing. Implying that challenges posed by improper management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are increasing at both Kibuye market and Kachok dumpsite, within the City. This is a great hazard ... -
Kachok Dumpsite Characteristics and Its Future – A Third Kenyan City Perspective
(International Journal of Waste Resources, 2018-01)47 Counties inclusive of Kisumu were created as regional administrative units by the Kenyan constitution 2010. The County Government immediately redirected Solid Wastes from other county’s townships to be disposed at ... -
Calibration and validation of EPA SWMM for stormwater runoffmodelling in Nyabugogo catchment, Rwanda
(Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering, 2018)Rapid urbanization isknown to have several negative impacts towards hydrological cycle. Urban growth contributes to the increase of impervious area which increases stormwater runoff peak flows and volumes. Nyabugogo ... -
Comparative assessment of landslide susceptibility by logistic regression and first order second moment method: Case study of Bujumbura Peri-Urban Area, Burundi.
(Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 2018-08)Several landslides incidents in the Bujumbura region are reported regularly by independent sources. However, few studies on the causes in the region have been conducted and no record of susceptibility map at a regional exists. ... -
Probabilistic landslide risk assessment: Case study of Bujumbura
(2018)A spatial probabilistic landslide risk assessment and mapping model has been applied in a data scare region. The probabilistic model is based on a physical model based on Mohr coulomb failure criterion. A Monte Carlo ... -
The Effect of Climate Change on Loss of Lake Volume: Case of Sedimentation in Central Rift Valley Basin, Ethiopia
(2018-12-11)Evaluating the impact of climate change on sediment yield has become one of the major topics in climate research. The purpose of this study was to investigate sediment yield contribution to lake volume change under ... -
Evaluation of Irrigation System Operation and Management Using the MASSCOTE Approach: A Case Study of Bura Irrigation Scheme, Kenya
(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2019-09-09)The main aim of this study has been to assess the performance of Bura Irrigation and Settlement Scheme using the MASSCOTE approach and advise on some improvement options for the Bura Irrigation & Settlement Scheme. ... -
Groundwater Quality Assessment and Water Quality Indexing: Case Study of Makueni County, Eastern Kenya
(2019-04-17)Makueni falls in South Eastern, semi-arid region of Kenya, that is characterised by erratic rainfall and inadequate surface water from a few rivers. One of the options to supply both human and animal population is groundwater. ... -
Reduction of iron and manganese in groundwater through non-mechanical aeration and filtration method: Case study of Makueni county, Eastern Kenya. J. of International Academic for multi-displinary.
(JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC RESEARCH FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2017-07-06)Makueni County borders Machakos, Kitui, Taita-Taveta and Kajiado Counties. This area falls in south -eastern Kenya, a semi-arid region characterised by erratic rainfall and inadequate surface water from a few rivers. ...