School of Business and Economics
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Assessing the Influence of Interbank Rates and Transactions Account as a Non-Interest Income on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2024-07)This study examines the influence of interbank rates, hedging, and transaction account income on the financial performance of commercial banks listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Using a cross-sectional survey ... -
Effect of External Trainings of Employees on the Performance of Firms in the Soft Drink Industry in Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2024-01)The soft drink industry in Kenya has been a significant contributor to the country's economy, and the performance of firms within this industry is crucial for economic growth and development. The impact of external training ... -
Determining the Effect of Financial Products and Service Delivery on Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Kisumu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management (IJRRCEM), 2024-05-25)The objective of this study was to determine the effect of financial products and service delivery on performance of micro and small enterprises in Kisumu County. This study used Transaction costs and Grameen Model theories ... -
Evaluating the Effect of Financial Access on Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Kisumu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management (IJRRCEM), 2024-05-22)The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of financial access on performance of micro and small enterprises in Kisumu County. This study used theories that support independent variable which included; Grameen ... -
Storage Mechanisms For Health Commodities Management and Service Delivery:
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2022-08)Health commodities are stored and managed at the hospital warehouses and service delivery unit stores in level 4 hospitals to promote accessibility and availability at all times. Despite huge sums of money spent by county ... -
Information Systems Infrastructure Used For Health Commodities Management And Service Delivery:
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2022-08)Frequent service delivery interruptions at the public hospitals due to inadequate resources has led to spread of communicable diseases, disabilities and death among patients seeking medical attention. The objective of the ... -
Effect of Cash Reserves on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya:
(Human Resource Management Academic Research Society, 2018-10-15)Banks optimize their liquidity risk by assuming the externalities posed by their choices on the overall risk of the financial system. The banking sector in Kenya has experienced liquidity challenges ranging from funding ... -
Infrustructure Bond Management and Performance of Government Securities in Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2022-09)Development and management of infrastructure bonds market widens the financing options for firms and enables the government to shift its domestic debt to longer-term securities. However, development of bonds market requires ... -
An Assessment of Capacity Utilization and Performance of Public Sugar Manufacturing Firms in Kenya
(International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management (IJRRCEM), 2022-11-22)Kenya's sugar sector dates back to the early 1920s when it first began operations. According to a research that was published in 2015 by the Export Processing Zone Authority, the sugar sector provides jobs for more than ... -
Liquidity Risk Management on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management (IJRRCEM, 2020)The banking sector in Kenya has experienced liquidity challenges ranging from funding to market risks. This research focused on the effects of asset management and deposit management on performance of commercial banks in ... -
Effect of Debenture Financing on Financial Performance of Sugar Firms in Western Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2022-10)Capital structure decisions should be directed towards maximization of the value of the firm and where those decisions are inappropriate the financial performance of sugar firms shall remain in jeopardy not just in western ... -
Effect of Regulations on Capital Requirement on Performance of Saccos in Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2023-05)In Kenya SASRA under Sacco Societies Act of 2008, mandated the authority to license qualifying SACCO Societies to undertake deposit-taking business, regulate and supervise the activities of qualifying SACCO Societies in ... -
Sustainable Firm Performance through Product Differentiation Strategies; the Hidden Treasure of Customer Loyalty
(European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 2023)The study sort to establish the mediating effect of customer loyalty on the relationship between product differentiation strategies and the performance of selected edible oils manufacturing firms in Kenya. Using the Baron ... -
Critical Information Infrastructure Cyberspace Situational Awareness: Measure it, Manage it
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2022-04-06)Background: The sustainable development goals (SDGs) were designed to serve as a useful guide for focused and coherent action on sustainable development at the global, regional, national and local levels, and also help to ... -
Effect of Loan Portfolio Management, Interest Rate Regulation and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2022)In the year 2016 there were changes in interest rate regulation in the banking sector in Kenya. Interest rates were capped at 4 percent by the Central Bank of Kenya and all banks were lending at 14 percent. The Central ... -
Analysis of Retained Earnings Financing On Financial Performance of Listed Manufacturing and Allied Firms: A Dynamic Panel Approach
(International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2022-02)The manufacturing sector is crucial for attaining a robust economy. However, in Kenya, the sector’s contribution to the economy has stagnated at 10% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Financing structure is imperative ... -
Implementation Drivers of County Integrated Strategic Plans and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review, 2022-02)Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in the development of any economic growth. Economies have increasingly employed SMEs as a framework to achieve economic performance in a more efficient manner. ... -
Effect of Interest Rate Regulation on the Relationship between Loan Lending Policies and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2021-02-28)The first specific objective was to determine the relationship between credit risk management and financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The second specific objective was to determine the effect of interest ... -
The Influence of Product Strategy on Performance of Pepsi-Cola (Ea) Limited In Kenya
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2021-05)Marketing strategy is the fundamental goal of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage of a brand. Pepsi Cola (EA) Limited is an international food and beverage firm based in Kenya. However, despite ... -
The Effect of Interest Income on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya: The Moderating Role of Virtual Banking
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2021-04-04)The moderating role of virtual banking on Interest income and financial performance has been a matter of debate. Whether, this role has enhanced interest income is the ground for anchoring this study. The study sought to ...