Evaluation of Irrigation System Operation and Management Using the MASSCOTE Approach: A Case Study of Bura Irrigation Scheme, Kenya
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Abstract/ Overview
The main aim of this study has been to assess the performance of Bura Irrigation and Settlement Scheme using the MASSCOTE approach and advise on some improvement options for the Bura Irrigation & Settlement Scheme. Furthermore, the study was also aimed at evaluating the applicability of MASSCOTE approach in assessment of its current performance and suggesting possible changes and modifications required. Field observations, oral farmer and staff interviews helped understand the functioning of the irrigation scheme. DUFLOW model was used to schematize the canal network and obtained operational requirements of the structures while the water balance was analyzed with CROPWAT 8.0 model. The findings revealed that the water use efficiency is currently at average of 7,056 kg/m3 and can be improved to 18,910kg/m3 by improving irrigation efficiency. By improving the field irrigation efficiency from 9% to over 75%, more water would be available and the area under irrigation can be increased from the current 2500ha to 6700ha representing an increase of 168% of irrigated land if farmers continue the conventional maize cultivation technique (surface irrigation). The improvement options for the irrigation scheme is the modernization by partial lining of the canals and reshaping of the tertiary and field canals at a cost of million US$ 7,355,829 (According to NIB cost for construction of the 26km gravity canal and rehabilitation of the existing 64km canal, 2013). This can also be done through construction of a gravity canal upstream of the existing pumping station. This will save the money currently being used for fueling the two pumps at Nanighi costing at US$ 180,411 annually and will in a long way realize the losses the irrigation scheme has been going through since it was revived. The study recommended that the use of MASSCOTE approach for performance assessment and modernization proves to be vital and effective, therefore it needs to be widely used in the Bura irrigation and settlement scheme. It is believed that investment on improvements of physical infrastructure, management and operation of the schemes at all levels will bring substantial improvement of performance of all the Public irrigation scheme. Further studies should be done on all the blocks of the Bura Irrigation and Settlement Scheme with more focus on the current performance of the main canals, secondary and tertiary canals and advise on the general efficiency of irrigation water use.