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dc.contributor.authorOndari, Josephine Kerubo.
dc.description.abstractVarious prior studies have concurred that 90% of strategic initiatives fail, not due to formulation but, due to implementation difficulties. Failure of strategy implementation efforts causes enormous costs in the organization. Despite the importance of the implementation process within strategic management, it is often overshadowed by a focus on the strategy formulation process. Tea processing factories have over time been compelled to re-examine their operation and position themselves by matching organizational strengths and resources with changes in the environment so as to take advantage of opportunities and overcome threats. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of strategy implementation drivers on the performance of tea processing factories in Kisii County. Specifically to; determine the effect of leadership as a strategy implementation driver on performance, examine the effect of organizational structure as a strategy implementation driver on performance, establish the effect of organizational culture as a strategy implementation driver on performance, investigate the effect of human resource development as a strategy implementation driver on performance and establish the moderating effect of factory size on the relationship between strategy implementation drivers and organizational performance. The study area was Kisii county tea processing factories. The study was guided on by resource based theory and human resource development theory, and a combination of descriptive survey research design, correlation and explanatory research designs were used. The target population of this study was 846 employees of five tea processing factories in Kisii County. Both stratified sampling and simple random sampling were used to obtain a sample of 271employees based on Yamane's formula. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to establish the relationship between the study variables. Results were presented using figures and tables. The correlation analysis results showed a positive correlation between the strategy implementation drivers and the performance of tea factories. The findings of the study revealed that the four strategy implementation drivers considered had a positive effect on the performance of tea processing factories and explained56. I% of the variation in jhe performance of tea processing factories. The findings showed Leadership had a positive and significant effect on perforrnancetfs, .101; p<.05); organizational structure had a positive and significant effect on performancetji, . I 03;p<.05), organizational cu \tu re had a positive and significant effect on perforrnancetji, .062; p<.05) and human resource development had a positive and significant effect on performance (P= .241 ;p<.05).The study further established a positive and significant moderating effect of factory size on the relationship between the strategy implementation drivers and performance of tea processing factories. The study concludes that Leadership as a strategy implementation driver has influence on the performance of tea processing factories in Kisii County. Further, human resource development had the greatest effect with firm size, the study recommends that managers should train their employees so as to enhance capacity building and teamwork to effectively implement the organizations strategies for better performance. Tea processing factories shou Id adopt the practice of benchmarking especially when implementing a new strategic plan. The study therefore, proposes that further research to be conducted to establish the other strategy implementation drivers that contribute to the performance of tea processing factories in Kenya.en_US
dc.subjectEffect on Performance of Tea Processing Factories in Kenya.en_US
dc.subjectStrategy Implementation Drivers.en_US
dc.subjectTea Processing Factories in Kenyaen_US
dc.titleStrategy Implementation Drivers and its Effect on Performance of Tea Processing Factories in Kenya.en_US

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