Browsing School of Education, Humanities & Social Sciences by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 110
Women academics' careers in Kenya
(Lancaster E prints, 2010)This thesis examined the experiences of women academics in relation to their family contribution, educational experiences and, factors that motivated them towards academia, while highlighting strategies that they have ... -
Quality of education offered to children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the era of free primary education (FPE) in rural Kenya: Perspectives of educationists, teachers and parents
(Victoria University of Wellington, 2011)The education of children with special educational needs (SEN) has been a focus of international inquiry. There is a strong advocacy for the inclusion of children with SEN in regular schools although this remains contentious ... -
A comparative study of contemporary East and West African poetry in English
(WIREd, 2012)Modern African poetry in English is a product of a number of literary traditions broadly categorised as either „indigenous‟ or „alien‟ to Africa. Working on the premise that these vary from one region to another, this study ... -
Group polarization in decision making: a study of selected secondary school disciplinary panels in Rongo District of Kenya
(University of the Western Cape, 2012-08)Behaviour problems have been on the rise in Kenyan schools for some time now. Various maladaptive behaviours found among school children include bullying, vandalism, stealing, alcohol and drug abuse, truancy, not completing ... -
Uchanganuzi wa Matini Zilizoteuliwa za Ugaidi Katika Gazeti la Taifa Leola Kenya Kati ya Oktoba 2010-Novemba2011.
(CHUO KIKUU CHA MASENO, 2014)Vyombo vya habari nchini Kenya na kwingine ulimwenguni hutekeleza jukumu muhimu katika kuupasha umma habari za ugaidi. Uteuzi wa lugha katika kuripoti habari hizi ni muhimu katika kuwasilisha habari. ... -
Effectiveness of Implementation of Art and Design Curriculum in Secondary Schools in Western Kenya: Challenges and opportunities
(JOOUST, 2014)Art and Design contributes immensely in all areas of the society such as social, cultural, economic, political, utilitarian, communication and personal expression. There is a wide range of career ... -
Modelling of demand process of capital shares by the mean reverting geometric Brownian motion.
(JOOUST, 2014)In financial mathematics, statistical tools have been used for time series prediction of prices. Lognormal distribution and the Black-Scholes-Merton formula have also been used for modeling capital returns: ... -
Perceptions on causes of poor academic performance amongst selected secondary schools in Kericho sub - county.
(JOOUST, 2014)The purpose of this study was to determine perceptions of causes of poor academic performance in secondary schools amongst selected secondary schools in Kericho sub-county. Specifically the study; was to; determine ... -
Effects of Formative Assessment Classroom Teaching Strategy (Facts) on Mathematics Academic Achievement and Effective Learning in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya
(2015)The focus of the study was to determine the effects of teaching strategy called ‘Formative Assessment Classroom Teaching Strategy ( FACTS) on primary school mathematics academic achievements and effective learning ,more ... -
Age, Level of Education, Marital Experience and Gender Differences in Marital Satisfaction among Selected Spouses, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2015)Marital satisfaction is a pertinent ingredient to the stability of any nation, given that the family is the basic unit of any nation. Too much marital dissatisfaction leads to family members being ... -
Effectiveness Use of Modern Assistive Technology in the Academic Performance of Secondary School students with visual Impairment
(JOOUST, 2015)This study sought to establish the effectiveness of assistive technology on academic performance of students with visual impairment in Kisumu County, Kenya. The study had four objectives namely: (i) To determine ... -
Training Needs of Educational Quality Assurance and Standards Officers in Charge of Public Secondary Schools
(JOOUST, 2015)Training of Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (QASOs) is important for the effective performance of their roles. This training is sometimes done without doing Training Needs Analysis (1NA) to find ... -
Effective intergration of play activities in early childhood development and education curriculum in Kenya
(2015)Children love to play as it is needed for both academic success and enjoyment. Play is therefore supposed to be integrated in teaching and learning of ECDE children. Despite the significance of ...