School of Agricultural and Food Sciences
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Influence of Pollution on Diversity and Nutritional Composition of Aquatic Edible Insects from Lake Victoria, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)Freshwater pollution has become a significant global environmental issue, impacting biodiversity and ecosystem services. Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria is greatly affected by pollution from human activities and natural ... -
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (Oryctes Rhinoceros) Farm Enterprise for Enhanced Food Security:
(2023)Food insecurity and malnutrition resulting from the loss of livelihood remain a threat both locally and globally, as nearly 70% of people face hunger and malnutrition. The world’s population is estimated to rise to 9 billion ... -
The use of species of commelina as feed for field cricket, scapsipedus icipe (orthoptera: gryllidae)
(Jooust, 2023)Sub-Saharan Africa faces persistent challenges in reducing malnutrition and enhancing food security. The field cricket, Scapsipedus icipe Hugel and Tanga (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), is edible and could be used to alleviate ... -
Performance of broiler chickens fed on diets supplemented with yellow meal worm larvae (tenebrio molitor)
(Jooust, 2023)Insects are a promising feed resource which can contribute to scarce protein rich feedstuffs in developing countries. A study was conducted to investigate the performance of broiler chickens fed on diets supplemented with ... -
Enhancing Sustainable Production And Harvesting Of The Edible Grasshopper (Ruspolia Differens)
(JOOUST, 2024)The global increase in food insecurity due to growing human population and rising demand for animal proteins presents an urgent need to explore alternative sources of proteins. Edible insects such as Ruspolia differens ... -
Socio-Economic Efficiency of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens L.) Larvae Meal for Aquaculture Production
(JOOUST, 2023)Fish feed is a major component in aquaculture production, accounting for 40-80% of total production costs. Protein is still the most expensive ingredient in fish feed. Fishmeal (FM) has traditionally been the predominant ... -
The Influence of Agricultural Extension on Insect Farming for Food and Feeds on Smallholder Farms in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2024)The study investigated the effects of agricultural extension on edible insect farming for food and feeds nutritional security among smallholder farmers in the Lake Basin Region, Kenya. The Kenyan Lake Victoria Basin presents ... -
Assessing the Management Strategy and The Potentiality of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera Frugiperda) Larvae as Poultry Feed
(JOOUST, 2022)Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda is a serious pest of about 350 plant species such as maize and sorghum. Management of this pest through mass trapping and handpicking of the larvae to feed the chicken would reduce its ... -
Returns from Investment on Wheat Research, Varietal Adoption, Turnover Rates and Production Risks
(JOOUST, 2022-11)Appreciating the expanding significance of wheat in Kenya’s food availability, remarkable research endeavors have been undertaken to breed for inflated yielding crop varieties to contribute to food availability in the ... -
Assessment of Termite Species Diversity, Soil Chemical Characteristics, And Evaluation of Phytochemicals as Edible Termite Attractants
(JOOUST, 2022)Termites are social insects that live in colonies underground. Globally, there are 3000 species, of which 39% are found in Africa. Termites are used as food and feed in most communities of the world. In Kenya, termites are ... -
Optimization of Production of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens, L) for Fish Feed Formulation
(JOOUST, 2018)Increase in world population has catapulted demand for animal proteins beyond supply and organic waste generation. Conventional livestock production is hindered by land sizes, urbanization and limited and unsustainable ... -
Analysis of Agrtourism as a Viable Opportunity for Livelihood Improvement and Poverty Alleviation: The Case of Kisumu County
(JOOUST, 2017-03)Agriculture in Kisumu County has remained in the coveted status of being the main source of household incomes yet its performance has been faced by many challenges. The future sustainability of most households is linked ... -
Morphological, Molecular, Yield and Quality Characterization of Vegetable African Nightshades (Solanum L. Section Solanum) Under Varying Culture Practices
(JOOUST, 2007)Vegetable nightshades, widely consumed in East and West Africa, are priority African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs) earmarked for promotion through research and development due to their potential nutritional and economic ... -
Assessment of Cricket Species Composition, Feed Substrates, Optimal Temperature and Nutritional Content of Edible Cricket Scapsipedus Icipe
(JOOUST, 2020-12)The increasing human population in the world has led to a widening gap between the production and consumption of animal proteins. Livestock protein production is hindered by the scarcity of arable land, climate change, ... -
Modelling The Effect of Climatic and Environmental Variables on The Distribution of Rift Valley Fever Vectors and Outbreaks in Baringo County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2020)Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic mosquito-borne disease whose outbreaks are associated with periodic heavy rainfall episodes and flooding. Baringo County is found in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya, that has ... -
Effects of Housing and Feed on Growth and Technical Efficiency of Production of Acheta domesticus (L) AND Gryllus bimaculatus for Sustainable Commercial Crickets Production in The Lake Victoria Region, Kenya
(JOOST, 2018-10)The Lake Victoria Region has been synonymous with persistent cycle of food insecurity and low income among farmers. This has been mainly attributed to small scale subsistence farming and unsustainable farming methods. To ... -
Determinants of colour and fragrance characteristics of Polianthes tuberosa linn. flower
(2014)Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa Linn.) is one of the summer flowers grown by smallholder farmers in Kenya, for export. It is a high value perennial crop grown in the field with no plant support structures or shading. A survey ... -
Household allocation of labor time in two types of smallholder farming systems in rural Kenya
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995)The study analyzed the effects of gender and farming systems on time allocated to work by agricultural households in rural Kenya. A total of 289 participants were selected from Njoro and Kikuyu divisions. Spot observations, ...