School of Education, Humanities & Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 358
Perceptions and Reflections of Music Teacher Education in Kenya
(International Journal of Music Education, 2012-08)This article builds on enquiry aimed to discover Kenyan music teachers’ perceptions and expectations of their role; their view of the training they received; head teachers’ perceptions and expectations of the role of the ... -
Existing Household Solid Waste Source Separation Practices and their Contribution Towards Sustainable Solid Waste Management:
(World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024-01-06)Sustainable solid waste management is a global concern. An effective measure to improve the waste management levels and convert household solid waste into useful materials is to conduct source separation instead of just ... -
Influence of Debt Monitoring on the Performance of Government Securities
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2022-06)Kenyan government has persistently failed to collect adequate resources to finance its budget, and continues to rely on external and domestic debt to finance its developmental activities. Its public debt surged to trillions ... -
Influence of Appraisal Services on Course Satisfaction among Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainees
(Journal of General Education and Humanities, 2023-02)The study examined the relationship between appraisal guidance services and course satisfaction among trainees in TVET institutions in Kakamega County, Kenya. Concurrent Triangulation design within the mixed methods approach ... -
Orientation Services and Course Satisfaction among Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainees in Kenya
(Journal of General Education and Humanities, 2022-11)The study examined the relationship between orientation guidance services and course satisfaction among trainees in TVET institutions in Kakamega County, Kenya. Holland’s theory of vocational choice guided the study. A ... -
An Evaluation of How the SDA Christian Faithful Conceptualize the Changing Value of Chastity in Nyamira County, Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2018-07)This paper is on a study that was carried out in the year 2017 on an evaluation of how the SDA Christian faithful conceptualize the changing value of chastity in Nyamira County, Kenya. This study was guided by Utilitarian ... -
Examining Indicators of Contemporary Value of Chastity among SDA Families in Nyamira County, Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2018-06)Chastity is central value in sustaining moral standards related to sexual actions and maintaining family constancy to facilitate societal perpetuation. Most traditional societies value virginity for girls, and fidelity in ... -
Validity of Primary School Examination as a Predictor of Secondary School Examination Score among Public Secondary School Students Kenya
(International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 2018-04-29)The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of KCPE as a predictor of KCSE scores among public secondary school students in Kisii central Sub-county, Kenya. This study was guided by a conceptual framework where ... -
School Differences in the Predictive Validity of Primary School Examinations among Secondary School Students in Kenya
(International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2017)The purpose of this study was to determine school category differences in the predictive validity of KCPE among public secondary school students in Kisii central Sub-county, Kenya. The study adopted Correlational and ... -
The Decline of Lake Victoria Ferry Services in Kenya, 1961-2012
(Journal of Historical Studies, 2023-09-01)This study examined the operations of Lake Victoria Ferry Services since the independence of the East African countries in 1961 when the management was under the East Africa Railways and Harbors (EARH) and later the Kenya ... -
Effects of Drying on the Nutritional, Sensory and Microbiological Quality of Edible Stinkbug (Encosternum Delgorguei)
(Elsevier, 2023-07-25)Entomophagy has recently gained attention as a potential solution to the problems of food and nutritional security. One example is the consumption of edible stinkbug. Different drying tech- niques may affect the nutritional, ... -
Population Movements and the Consolidation of Authority in the Inter-Lacustrine Region of Western Kenya: A Political Transformation of Gem Community in Pre-Colonial Times
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2023-01)During the time before European colonisation, the gem people of Kenya did not have any kind of state organisation or formal chiefdoms. The breadth of this paper is limited by the primary focus of this investigation. Beginning ... -
Modeling Behavior Modification Practice and Enhancement of Reading Abilities: Evidence Among Learners with Dyslexia in Kenya
(South Florida Journal of Development, 2023-06-05)The study investigated modeling behavior modification practice and enhancement of reading abilities among learners with Dyslexia in Kenya. The mixed-methods sequential explanatory design was used. The sample size comprised ... -
Coping strategy for curbing wood fuel scarcity in Nyamache sub-county, Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment, 2022-12-02)Wood fuel shortage has existed worldwide since the 1970s during oil energy crisis; accelerating wood fuels scarcity hence coping strategies. This study on local community based strategy for curbing wood fuel shortages was ... -
Effect of Metacognitive Learning Strategies on English Language Performance among Students in Kenya
(International Journal of Learning and Change, 2022-06-15)The study investigated the effect of metacognitive learning strategies on academic performance in English language among students in public secondary schools in Kenya. The study adopted Solomon four-group experimental ... -
Assessment of Coping and Adaptation Strategies Employed by Dairy Cattle Farmers to Counter the Effects of Rainfall Variability in Keumbu Division, Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment, 2019-05-12)Rainfall variability characterized by intense rainfall, more frequent droughts and unpredictable rainfall has devastating effects on rain-fed agriculture and dairy production in particular. Over the years, dairy cattle ... -
Challenges Faced by Principals in Managing Teachers Employed by Board of Management in Public Secondary Schools in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya
(Journal of Education and Practices, 2021-12)Principals are professionally trained as teachers yet they carry out management roles of teachers employed by Board of Management (BoM) thus assume the role of human resource managers. Multiplicity of principals’ roles ... -
Challenges Facing Integrated Household Garbage Disposal For Garbage Management In Kisii Town, Kenya
(International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment, 2019-06)Factors that mostly affected household garbage management were; inadequate garbage disposal facilities in town and residential areas whereby 87% agreed and 13% disagreed (M=3.41, SD, 0.965), lack of enough damp sites ... -
Relationship between Neuroticism and Social Adjustment of Undergraduate Students in One Selected University in Kenya
(Asian Journal of Sociological Research, 2021-06-26)The study examined the relationship between neuroticism and social adjustment of undergraduate university students. The study was informed by the Big five personality theory. Concurrent triangulation design was adopted ... -
Quarrying and Land Degradation in Nyakach Sub County, Kenya
(International Journal of Earth Sciences Knowledge and Applications, 9/15/2021)Land degradation is a problem facing humanity on earth today as it threatens food security as well as viable land use activities. This study considered quarrying as a form of land degradation using human beings as geomorphic ...