School of Education, Humanities & Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 358
Artisanal Fisheries Socio-Economic Characteristics in Development Planning Strategies
(Journal of Humanities And Social Science, 2021-04)In developing countries, artisanal fisheries occupy a critical position in rural livelihoods. This is because fishing as an activity offers great opportunities for rural communities who have minimal resource endowment. In ... -
Livelihood Coping Strategies among Artisanal Fishing Households on the Shores of Lake Victoria, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 2021-05)Developing countries are endowed with abundant natural resources. They are also more reliant on natural resources given their limited technology and inadequate infrastructural development. Despite the abundance of such ... -
Effects of Experience on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Secondary Schools
(AJER, 2022-03-10)The present study investigated the effects of teaching experience on teachers’ self-efficacy in Kenyan secondary schools. The study used a sequential explanatory design and the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale. This scale ... -
Goal Orientation and Learning Readiness: Evidence Among Freshmen in Selected Kenyan Universities
(AJER, 2022-03-10)This study, which adopted an ex post facto research design, investigated the relationship between goal orientation and learning readiness among first year students in three public universities in Kenya. A sample size of ... -
A Catalogue and Inventory of Cultural Heritage Sites, Artifacts and Features in Kisumu City and its Environs in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
(ResearchGate, 2020-11)Most of the cultural heritage sites, artifact and features are under constant threat from human activities and natural processes. Oral traditions of these sites are under threat. This threat is occasioned by the lack of ... -
The Impact of Colonial Land Tenure Policies on the Gusii People in Kenya
(European Scientific Journal, 2019)Different scholars have looked at the general economic impacts of the land reforms and legal implications at national level. However, a few studies have been done on economic history in Gusiiland. This study aimed at ... -
Relationship between Support Staff Recognition Efforts and Learners’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
(Asian Journal of Sociological Research, 2021-03-25)The study examined the relationship between support staff recognition efforts and learners’ academic performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. The Concurrent Triangulation design was used. The study population ... -
Thinking Through the Crisis of Intra-Party Democracy in Kenya: Reflections on Kenyatta's KANU Leadership (1963-1978)
(Journal of Historical Studies, 2021)Purpose: This paper explores the tripodic relation in Kenya from 1963 to 1978 between party leadership, intra-party crisis, and democratic consolidation. Methodology: It relies on the collection and analysis of primary and ... -
Influence of Support Staff Promotional Opportunities on Learners’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools Kenya
(Asian Journal of Sociological Research, 2021-03-23)The study examined the influence of Support Staff Promotional Opportunities on Learners’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. The study utilized the convergent parallel mixed methods design. The ... -
Teacher Training and Implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development Policy in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
(Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal, 2021-03-25)The present study examined the relationship between teacher training and the implementation of Teacher Performance appraisal and development policy in public secondary schools in Kenya. The study employed the use of ... -
Influence of Principals’ Professional Training on Creating Professional Learning Communities in Selected Kenyan Secondary Schools
(Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal, 2021-03-27)The present study investigated the influence of principals’ professional training on creating professional learning communities in Kenyan secondary schools. The study population comprised of 194 principals, 1526 teachers, ... -
Guidance and Counseling
(2020) -
Perspectives on Effects of Teacher Turnover on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools In
(Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 2017-12)Teacher turnover poses a threat to the education sector by limiting or reducing the availability of qualified teachers to undertake teaching services. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of teacher turnover ... -
Investigation on Contributions of Principals on School Machinery and Equipment Management in Secondary Schools in Kenya
(International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences, 2019-10)Provision, adequacy, utilization and management of educational facilities largely determine the quality and standards of education offered in a school yet there has been tremendous growth in students’ population without ... -
Influence of class size on techniques of teaching science in primary schools of Vihiga County, Kenya
(International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 2013)Kenya re-implemented Free Primary Education (FPE) in January, 2003 leading to an increase in student enrolment in some classes more than in others. This could have had far reaching implications on the quality of education ... -
Effect of General Computer Use on Secondary School Students’ Performance in Biology
(Greener Journal of Computer Sciences, 2013)Although knowledge of biology is important for the survival of humans, performance in the subject, both in pre-Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (pre-KCSE) assessment and national examinations in Vihiga county has ... -
Relationship between Geography curriculum teachers underwent and the students’ academic achievement in Geography in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination in Rarieda Sub-County, Kenya.
(International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning, 2019)Geography provides opportunities for students to develop their general intellectual capacity for life-long learning, skills such as critical thinking, communication, information processing, problem solving, and decision ... -
Adolescent resilience, social support and drug abuse a case of Koboko District, West Nile, Uganda
(Basic Research Journal and Review, 2014)The study investigated the relationship between social support, resilience and drug abuse. A correlation research design was used, and adolescents between the age group of 14-23 years in four secondary schools in Koboko ... -
Relevance of Nyerere‟s Philosophy of Education to University Education in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisii University
(Elixir International Journal, Elixirir Educational Technology, 2015)Education relevance in any given country is anchored in its philosophy of education. The Kenyan philosophy of education advocates for provision of a holistic education and training that promotes all the domains of learning. ... -
Page | 1 Novelty Journals Use of Computers in Supervision of Curriculum in Secondary Schools in Seme Sub-County, Kisumu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning, 2017-10)The purpose of the study was to explore the use of computers in supervision of curriculum in secondary schools in Seme sub-county, Kisumu County. Objectives that guided the study were: to find out challenges facing use ...