Conference/Workshop/Seminar Papers: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 88
Knowledge management practices: catalyst for development of university libraries in Kenya
(University of Eldoret, 9/3/2013) -
Community based alternative ways of nutritional and herbal supplements used by women to manage uterine fibroids
(Research gate, 2016)In alternative management of fibroids in the community, many plants have been used in traditional herbal medicines in an attempt to treat women with uterine fibroids. The plants and herbal formulations discussed in this ... -
Iron concentrations in roots and edible organs of African indigenous vegetable species
(Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences (ADTI),, 2015-09)Iron (Fe) deficiency is among the 10 leading human health risks causing “hidden hunger” in sub- Saharan Africa. Iron concentrations and bioavailability are often higher in leafy vegetables than in staple crops like maize ... -
Cadmium uptake and distribution to edible organs in African indigenous vegetables
(Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences (ADTI),, 2015-09)Cadmium (Cd) is toxic to humans. The most important source for dietary intake is consumption of plant products, whereby Cd concentrations in leafy vegetables are particularly high. In peri-urban areas, soils are often ... -
Strategies of African indigenous vegetables to cope with phosphorus deficient soils
(Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences (ADTI), 2016-09)Food production in smallholder farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa is often constrained by low soil contents of plant-available phosphorus (P). An option to increase food production is cultivation of species with high P ... -
Essential and toxic minerals in leafy vegetables from open air and supermarkets in Nairobi
(Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences (ADTI), 2015-09)Deficiency of macroelements such as calcium (Ca) and microelements like zinc (Zn) is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly among the poor, for which diets are strongly based on staple crops like maize and sorghum. ... -
Linking farmers to markets through modern Information and Communication Technologies in Kenya.
(2007)This paper highlights a market information and linkage system (MILS) developed and tested by the Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange Limited (KACE) that increases the efficiency of agricultural markets to work better for ... -
WHO/TDR/IDRC Project Implementation workshops
(JOOUST, 2016-06) -
Policy Legislation for Insects as Food and Feed
(JOOUST, 2016-02-29) -
Orientation to E-Learning on Health Communication
(JOOUST, 2016-08-11) -
NACOSTI Research Proposal Writing Seminar
(JOOUST, 2015-10-19) -
An analysis of the phenomenon Ime y’omwana movement in Kenyenya sub-county, Kisii County, Kenya
(JOOUST, 6/24/2015)The bewildering explosion of new religious movements in Africa forms a tremendous increase in number of splinter groups in Christianity. In this paper, we give an analysis of a phenomenon ImeY’omwana movement in Kenyenya ... -
Language as repository in the preservation of biodiversity: an ecolinguistic perspective
(JOOUST, 6/24/2015)The current rapid global climatic change has caused a drastic reduction in the biodiversity. Habitats previously occupied by plants and animals are fast being encroached by human populations. But even more worrying are the ... -
Integrating language and sacred knowledge in conservation of indigenous trees in Siaya County
(JOOUST, 6/24/2015)This is a descriptive survey of sacred places and trees considered the sources of powerful forces, energy and wisdom within the lake region of Kenya. Sacred landscapes are maintained through the practice of religious ... -
Policy issues in integrating indigenous knowledge in building community resilience to climate change risk
(JOOUST, 2015-06-24)Many African communities have used indigenous knowledge (IK) as a critical knowledge base and survival tool for adapting to extreme climate events and other natural hazards. IK may be defined as an ancient, communal, ... -
Magic and natural phenomena in communication with supernatural powers among communities in Kenya
(JOOUST, 2015-06-24)Magic is a word connected in use and action with witch and sorcery and practice of both ‘’Simple’’ and “High”magic or sorcery is associated with diabolic witchcrafcy has and continue to be a paradox, practiced by many ... -
A stochastic model of relationship between board demographics and firm diversification strategies in emerging markets: NSE, Kenya
(JOOUST, 2015-06-24)Several researches have been conducted examining or interrogating dividend policies, diversification strategies, and corporate governance in firms. Empirical studies have also shown that agency problem continue ... -
On norm preserving conditions for local automorphisms of commutative banach algebras
(JOOUST, 6/24/2015)The history of commutative algebra first appeared in 1890 by David Hilbert which was then followed by Banach spaces in 1924 since localization reduces many problems of geometric special case into commutative algebra problems ... -
Effect of enrollment on performance of chemistry in public day secondary schools in Bondo Sub County
(2015-06-24)Siaya County is among the counties that perform well in the national examinations. However, Bondo Sub- County is one among its Sub-Counties with low student performance in national examinations in Science subjects in general ... -
Effects of strategic planning on organizational efficiency of tea factories in Kisii county- Kenya
(JOOUST, 2015-06-24)Strategic planning may be characterized as a systematic effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what a business organization is, what it does, and why it does it. This study seeks to assess ...