School of Education, Humanities & Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 358
Usawiri wa Vijana wa Kisasa katika Riwaya ya Dunia yao ya Kiswahili.
(East African Nature and Science Organization., 2024)Makala hii itachunguza usawiri wa vijana katika dunia ya sasa inayobadilika kila uchao. Itafanya hivi kupitia uchanganuzi wa riwaya mpya ya Dunia Yao (2006) ya S.A Mohamed. Utafiti unaonyesha kwamba vijana kote duniani ... -
Nafasi ya Fasihi Simulizi katika Karne ya 21: Tathmini ya Nyimbo za Jando za Jamii ya Wakamba.
(Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, 2022-06)Fasihi simulizi ni fani hai inayotekeleza majukumu muhimu katika karne ya 21. Kama ukumbusho wa maadili ya watu, fasihi simulizi hutoa mwonoulimwengu wa jamii na kutokana nayo, hali ya maisha ya kila siku huendelezwa. ... -
Taswira ya Vijana kama Mkakati wa Kuibua Falsafa ya Mwandishi: Tathmini ya Riwaya za G. K. Mkangi Walenisi (1995) na Mafuta (1984).
(East African Nature and Science Organization., 2024)Utafiti unaonyesha kwamba, vijana kote duniani sasa wana utamaduni wao ambao watafiti wanaueleza kama ‘ulimwengu huru’ wa vijana ulio na mitindo na njia za maisha ambazo vijana hufuata ili kujitofautisha na utamaduni ... -
Re- Positioning Research in Turbulent Times: Embracing Change in Innovation Science, Technology, Education and Business Perspectives.
(JRHSM, 2023)The world is currently experiencing times of turbulence, occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic and this has created disruption across economic sectors including education and business. This came with major disruptions and ... -
Language and the Church in Kenya Unity, Diversity or Unity in Diversity.
(IJRISS, 2024-10-25)Religion is an important aspect of the life of man and the society. This is because it is an important tool for relations within the society. Religion brings unity among people and the society at large. The unity of the ... -
Kisa Argument Structure in Valency Theory.
(IJRISS, 2024-11-30)Language is used to talk about the world, typically structured in sentences that consist of a topic (subject) and a comment (predicate). The main verb, as the head of the predicate, is the most important part of a sentence ... -
Prosodic Domains in Kisa.
(JLLS, 2020-06-30)In a language, certain phenomena are sensitive to specific prosodic domains. In a model of morphology-syntax-phonology interaction in which morphological and syntactic structure projects phonological domains belonging to ... -
An Indigenous Language Model for Innovation and Technology Transfer in Agriculture.
(Science Publishing Group., 2020-05-29)Sustainable agriculture requires effective communication of new innovations and technologies in the field to the people at the grass roots. Effective communication occurs through a language that the communicants understand ... -
Vowel Hiatus Resolution Processes as Delimiters of Prosodic Domains in Kisa.
(Scientific Publishing Group., 2020-08-10)In a language, certain phenomena are sensitive to specific prosodic domains. In a model of morphology-syntax-phonology interaction in which morphological and syntactic structure projects phonological domains belonging to ... -
Exploring the Attitudes of Girl Learners with Physical Disabilities towards Education in Kisumu, Kenya
(International Journal of Studies in Inclusive Education, 2024-12-20)The study explored the attitudes of girl learners with physical disabilities (GLwPDs) toward their education. It adopted a descriptive exploratory design within a qualitative approach. Fifty participants including eighteen ... -
Effect of Computer Based Instruction on Secondary School Learners’ Academic Achievement in Biology.
(International Peer Reviewed Journal and Book Publishing., 2024-08)This study investigated the effect of computer based instruction (CBI) on secondary school learners’ academic achievement in Biology. Methodology: The study was carried out in four schools, using quasi experimental research ... -
Community Perception of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Kenya
(Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2024-10-31)Kenya as a country has ratified and enacted international and regional conventions, statements and policies in relation to the rights of PWDs. They include: Children’s Act 2001; the Disability Act revised, 2006; the 2009 ... -
An Analysis of Phonological Nativisation of English Loanwords in Olunyole: An Optimality Theoretic Approach
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2024-11-04)This study aims to explain how Olunyole nativises English loanwords into its phonological system. The specific objectives are to describe the phonological strategies involved in the nativisation of English loanwords in ... -
Teaching and Learning Challenges and Opportunities for Students with Disabilities in Higher Institutions of Learning in Kenya during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), 2024-10-07)COVID-19 pandemic has caused the greatest unsettling in education history, from preprimary to the highest institutions of learning. Owing to lack of cure and effective treatment, several containment measures were implemented, ... -
Influence of Principals’ Allocation of Teaching and Learning Resources on Learners’ academic Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2024-06)Teaching and learning resources are needed for quality curriculum delivery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Influence of Principals’ allocation of teaching and learning resources on learners’ academic ... -
Influence of Principals’ Reward System on Academic Performance in Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2024-06-05)This study investigated the influence of Principals’ reward system on learners’ academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kisii County. Mixed method research design of explanatory sequential type ... -
Assessment of Competencies of Secondary School Principals in Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2024-09-03)The question of performance in education has occupied center stage in educational discourse the world over. Many factors have been attributed to influence performance in schools. At the secondary school level in Kenya, ... -
Influence of Principals’ Instructional Supervisory Practices on Learners’ Academic Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2024-05)Principals’ instructional supervision is very critical for quality academic performance. However, research studies have found out that inadequate training and heavy administrative workload has hindered most principals from ... -
What's In A Song? Exploring the Analytical-Creative Learning Process in Indigenous Kenyan Children's Songs
(EBSCOhost, 2011)Past research on indigenous Kenyan children's songs focused on content and its usage for music and cultural education (Akuno, 1997; Andang'o, 2009). These songs were found to be a rich source of information for the acquisition ... -
A Conceptual Framework for Research in Music and Music Education within a Cultural Context
(Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 2000)Music education in Kenya has been, and continues to be conducted along Western theories which fall short of defining music as experienced within traditional African cultures (New, 1980; Omondi, 1980; Kwami, 1989; Akuno, ...